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Used car buyer or sales agent
Used car manager or pricing expert
Find great deals
Daily updates
With the most attractively priced cars.
Easy search
Across all websites, using your search criteria.
Buy more cars, for a better price
Buying report
Know what to buy, with reports that show which cars are selling quickly in your dealership and your area.
Buying advice
Take the guesswork out of bidding, with buying price advice based on our proprietary real-time market pricing, and your profitability goals.
Action reminders
Daily and weekly action reminders to keep track of open bids.
Win more trade-in deals
Trade-in advice
Convince your prospects with the unbiased 3rd party trade-in appraisal and show the market context.
Action reminders
Daily and weekly action reminders to keep track of open trade-in offers.
Sell more cars, faster, for a better price
Selling advice
Take the guesswork out of selling, with selling price advice based on our proprietary market values, and your profitability requirements.
DoI recommendations
Recommended sell-price adjustments based on Days-on-Inventory.
Real-time market recommendations
Recommended sell-price adjustments based on changes in real-time market pricing.
Action reminders
Daily and weekly action reminders to update pricing.
Have full control of your used car operation
Pricing strategies
Apply consistent pricing strategies. Set on dealership, brand or model level.
Action reminders
Daily and weekly reminders to follow-up on open bids, trade-in offers and adjust pricing.
Take action based on data
Selling report
Shows you which cars are selling fast, and where you can ask more. Which cars should be priced differently to sell them faster
Buying report
Shows on which cars you can bid lower, and ask for more.
Analysis report
Shows you which deals you lost and why. And how you can help your used car managers buy and sell more.
Performance analyst
Dedicated performance analyst helping to uncover actionable insights.
Integration with your key systems
Carantee integration
Inspect the vehicle and appraise cars with the CARANTEE tablet application.
Build and sync customized advertisements with certified valuation and inspection reports with marketplaces.
DMS integration
Sync Inventory and Pricing with your Dealer Management System.
CMS integration
Sync Pricing with your website Content Management System.